Monthly Archives: January 2010

Why Business Cards?

Business People need to have business cards so as to be able to transfer their contacts to their potential prospects, suppliers and future business associates. Business cards must be simple and straight to the point. Large font / text must be visible enough to be read.


First Impression Counts

Your look and feel of your business cards say a lot about you and your company in few words. it is better to have a good impression that pre-sells you before you could present your products / services to your prospects.

Paper you use, the design of the business cards, the colours you use, too much information you put in contributes to clients buying or not buying into your business. Less is more. Your card should tell your targeted clients what you do and how to reach you.

Treat your business cards with respect. Don’t print for the sake of printing them and don’t insist on printing them yourself unless you are a professional printer, always seek professional advice.

We  at Tau and Associates : Copy ~ Design ~ Print we offer diversified solutions to Business Cards,  Flyers and Poster Design & Printing problems. We continue to assist our clients to make lasting impressions with business card and other marketing materials.

To your success,

Baleseng Tau

Tau and Associates : Copy ~ Design ~ Print


Skype: basi.tau

Google Talk: basi.tau

Dave Ramsey’s Money Makeover Made Easy

Author-radio host Dave Ramsey dispenses advice on personal finance with the fervor of a country preacher and the common sense of Ann Landers. In his latest best-seller, The Total Money Makeover, Ramsey lays out the baby steps—and practical execution—toward financial security:

Baby Step One: Save $1,000 cash as a starter emergency fund. (If disaster erodes this fund before you achieve Baby Step Two, you must return to Baby Step One.)

Baby Step Two: Start the debt snowball. List your debts from the smallest to largest balances. Pay off the debts smallest to largest, regardless of interest or amounts, and make minimum payments on the rest. This gives the psyche a lift with some badly needed quick victories. Once the first debt is retired, take the money that had been going toward that debt and apply it to the smallest remaining debt. Continue down the list. Ramsey suggests holding a garage sale or selling a car or boat to apply the proceeds to build that snowball and completely wipe out your debt.

Baby Step Three: Finish the emergency fund, which must be liquid. It should contain enough to cover three to six months of expenses. Three (b): Save for a down payment or cash purchase of a home.

Baby Step Four: Invest 15 percent of your before-tax income in retirement. “Only people who like dog food don’t save for retirement,” Ramsey says. He advocates investing in mutual funds, and gives advice for making your selections as to their mix and history.

Baby Step Five: Save for your children’s college education. While Ramsey considers college a non-necessity, he also calls college loans a cancer. His tips include insisting that your kids work to shoulder some of the costs, that they live at home or in a dorm (less costly than off-campus housing), and that they attend an affordable university.

Compiled for you by:-

Baleseng Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur

Tau & Associates :: Business Cards Printer

Ph. +2773 232 6865

Johannesburg, South Africa


Skype: basi.tau

Google Talk: basi.tau

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The Secret

One day, one friend asked another, “How is it that you are always so happy? You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down.”

With a big smile, she said, “I know the Secret!”

“What secret is that?” asked her friend.

To which she replied, “I’ll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to share the Secret with others.”

“The Secret is this:

I have learned there is little I can do in my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God to make me happy and to meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust that God will supply.  I have learned most of the time that I don’t need half of what I think I do. I have also learned that often my ‘wants’ are different than my ‘needs’.

Since I have learned this ‘Secret’, I am happy.”

-Author Unknown

Baleseng Tau

To your success,

Tau & Associates :: Business Cards Printer
Ph. +2773 232 6865
Johannesburg, South Africa

Skype: basi.tau
Google Talk: basi.tau

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“All leadership is influence.”
– John C. Maxwell


Here are some success strategies for the years to come

  1. “Whenever there is rain, there is sunshine.” “Nothing worthwhile will come to you without a price,”
  2. No excuses. If you want something, go after it.
  3. Follow what you love.
  4. Compete to win—always. “You never go in there with a mindset of failure or you will never win.”

Baleseng Tau

To your success,

tau & associates :: Business Cards Printer
Ph. +2773 232 6865
Johannesburg, South Africa

Skype: basi.tau
Google Talk: basi.tau

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