Monthly Archives: April 2010

Positive is Profitable

Positive is Profitable

by Kevin Nunley

Successful salespeople need a positive attitude! Customers are more apt to by from someone they like. And not many of us can
truthfully say we love to be around negative people. Here are some ways to help you have a more positive attitude.

Begin you day positively! Try waking yourself up with a clock radio rather than a loud, annoying buzzer. Make sure you give
yourself extra time and definitely don’t get up at the last minute. It’s difficult to be cheerful when you’re running late.
One of the hardest places to be positive is driving to work. Don’t let other drivers control your behavior. Keep calm and try
listening to motivational or educational audiotapes.

Be positive in your greetings. When someone asks you how you are, don’t reply with the usual answers “fine” or “OK.” Instead, try
using words such as “Fantastic,” “Excellent,” or “Great!” You’ll be surprised what effect it will begin to have on yourself and
those around you.

Always expect the best. Just because business might be slow for a time does not mean that it will be that way tomorrow, or next
month. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We often get what we expect from life. So why not expect the best?

Forgive yourself. Even the most competent of people make mistakes. The way you speak to yourself affects your mood,
behavior, and performance. Send yourself positive messages and remember to learn from your mistakes so you can avoid doing them in the future.

If you apply these ideas to your life, you will be able to maintain a positive attitude and you’ll sell more, faster!

Kevin Nunley has been the top writer of sales letters, web site copy, press releases, and ads since 1996. His talent and experience gets YOU results! Order his affordable writing and promotion deals at


Compiled by Baleseng Tau


ph: +2773 232 6865
skype: basi.tau

Focus on facts

When approaching a task, focus on the Facts, not on Feelings…

This also applies to network marketing

To Our Success,

Baleseng Tau

+2773 232 6865
Skype: Basi.tau