Monthly Archives: March 2010

Multi Level Marketing Companies, How Could It Work For You

By: Hercules Mora

Okay, you’ve tried one or more MLM companies out there that promise the best product or products, the best compensation plan, etc. Their company is one of the top producers in the MLM industry. They’re debt free and their balance sheets are in the black. They promise you can make a fortune by following their plan. They recommend getting out your personal phonebook and calling everyone in it. What happens when you run out of people you know?

I’ll bet you’re thinking I’m trying to pitch you into getting into another business. Don’t worry, the choice is always yours. The point is why it didn’t work for you? perhaps you’re searching for something or someone that will lead you out of the hole you dug yourself. Well here’s my opinion, most MLM companies can make you a fortune if you know how. The idea is to enroll as many people as you can.

Most people don’t like the idea of getting out their phonebook to call everyone they know. Not to mention if you did drum up the courage to call everyone, how many family members or friends do you think you could recruit into your new found opportunity? You might be able to snag a few (like Mom & Dad), because they can’t say no to you because they want you to succeed. Well guess what, you need more than 2 people to succeed! As for everyone else, they’re out their changing their number just so you don’t call them anymore! HaHaHa!

The days of sponsoring people you know are over. Everybody knows about some company that will make you a ton of money. So when you ask them to join yours, the natural reaction is to avoid the subject and run far away!

You see the theory of Multi Level Marketing is, you sponsor 2 individuals, and they each sponsor 2 individuals, and so on and so on. You can see the CAPABILITY for progression is colossal. So how can you get this type of growth without using your warm list? The answer to the million dollar question is… Place yourself to be leader and an expert in your field! You’re in all probability saying to yourself right now, “this guy must be crazy. That’s easier said than done”. Well let me enlighten.

I’m sure everyone knows someone that’s more successful than them. I also know that most individuals would like to stay close to these people because of their status. Hmm, status? Status in this instance would mean they are looked up to as leaders at whatever it is they do. Since the beginning of time, because every living animal on this globe needs a chief to look up to as the most dominant of the gang. Only one could be the leader of the tribe or community, or group. Only one President, one Prime Minister, one King, you get the point.

What do these individuals have that the majority doesn’t? Nothing! We all have the same gift as some of the most powerful people in the world. The majority of people select the path of least resistance, they prefer to be led. Some of the greatest leaders in the world emerged from nothing. What did they know?

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, learned at an early age how to become the leader and specialist he is today. He teaches that everything we know as “Poor” people is the contrary of “Rich” individuals. For example, the poor person teaches their children, you need to get good grades, go to the finest schools so you can go to work at the best companies. The rich person teaches their children, to work hard to own the greatest companies. Well I’m not going to ask you to work harder, just smarter.

Donald Trump was born wealthy. That doesn’t make him any different than Robert. Both learned early to become the leaders they are today. Now with that know-how, they both give seminars on how to turn out to be as successful as they are. They charge thousands of dollars just to speak for an hour or two. People congregate to them. People are sticking their hands down deep into their pockets just to find out a FEW secrets. Now that’s power!

Similar to them, I teach skills that will position you as a leader. We all have this elementary expertise. All it takes is for somebody to unlock it for you. You can go to one of their high-priced seminars for an hour, or you can visit me at so you can start right away to unlock the secrets for FREE, that those guys are charging thousands for.

The choice is yours.

Compiled by Baleseng Tau

To your success,


Skype :   basi.tau

5 Things I Learned in Network Marketing

5 Things I Learned in NETWORK MARKETING / MLM

#1.  Leadership
#2.  Personal Branding
#3.  Becoming a person of VALUE
#4.  Being a Service Provider to the masses
#5.  Identifying one’s TARGET MARKET
To your success,
Baleseng Tau

Ph: +2784 728 6504
Skype: basi.tau

Up-Line Support In Network Marketing

Up-Line Support is very important in Network Marketing
It is important  for Down-Lines and Prospects to know if YOU will be of any help to them. As an Up-Line you need to assure your prospects that you will TEACH, MENTOR and HELP them SPONSOR other prospects.

Most Downlines / Prospects quit Network Marketing because they don’t get the nurturing and support they are supposed to be getting from their Up-Lines. Their Up-lines, in most cases might be interested in SALES and not in the development of the Down-Lines in the business

If you are an Up-Line that does not support his/her Down-Line you better re-think how you do your business. New prospects need nurturing and support like new born babies.

Be a leader and guide your team to its success. Build your organisation together as a team and TEACH your Down-Line to Teach and Sponsor their Down-Lines. If they have queries about the business or product(s) offer your help and solutions to their problems

Do YOU need to learn how YOU can make extra cash part time? Why don’t you start working on your FORTUNE part time, while making a living full time? Contact me and I will gladly show you how :-  / +2784 728 6504

To your Fortune,

Baleseng Tau

Skype : basi.tau