Monthly Archives: February 2011

What MLM Multimillionaires wont tell you?

What Multi-Millionaires don’t tell you about building a successful MLM / Network Marketing Business?

Baleseng Tau


Positioning is very key in Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business. How people perceive and see you is very paramount. In most cases that is influenced how you would have branded yourself in them. MLM prospects like to associate with leaders that they feel that they are experts in their field and will also show them how build the business.


Up-lines or  people who sponsored prospects (down-lines) in Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business should always brand themselves first. They should work on their image and develop their skill and knowledge about the business and/or product.

Prospects will come to you and personally ask you to join your Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business. No one wants to be part and parcel of a team leader who is clumsy and who lack knowledge about his company that he is representing. Experts attract like minded people and those who are keen to become future experts. We do not join Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing businesses, we join people who have presented the business opportunity of MLM to us, We join because we trust and have faith in the person who is presenting and maybe we would like to be where he/she is.

Association is important – we want to associate ourselves with winners, successful and smart leaders. If you brand and position yourself as a well informed and smart leader, you will soon have followers. Leaders have followers. Making money in Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business includes building your organisation. This organisation will be made by the followers you will be creating and will be asking you to join your business.

The person who sponsored me in  Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business is forever pressing and pushing me to make cold calls. At first, I did it and I never won, instead I lost valuable friends and people I loved. My strategy is, EDUCATE and EDUCATE.

Educate people about the business and share the benefits of the products of the company you representing. Educate people how they will benefit if they use the products and tell them how they have benefited you.

Today’s advertising and marketing involves educating your target market about what you are retailing and how best can you solve their problems with your products. Brand yourself as the person who can provide these solutions and you will also be a heavy hitter in any Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing business. How people think and see you, will determine your success in business. MLM is a people’s business.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Printing and Network Marketing industry. I am passionate about helping people to become better leaders and start working on their fortune part time while making a living full time.

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur


Skype:  basi.tau

Why Multi-Level / Network Marketing Business?

Multilevel or Network Marketing industry is a billion dollar industry that has produced most individual millionaires in comparison to other industries. This industry is growing and developing rapidly on a daily basis. There are so many products that are being moved within the MLM industry. These products and services include health and nutrition supplements; pots; beauty products; water purifiers; clothes; insurance; telecommunications and so many other valuable products.


MLM or Network Marketing business has evolved in such a way that products or services can be bought on the internet and delivered to your doorstep using a courier company services. People are now starting to build their wealth / fortune part time using Multilevel Marketing businesses. It is a fact, fortunes are not build in a day, just like any other businesses. Effort and commitment are part of the recipe in building your fortune part time.


Network Marketing is misunderstood by most people and in some instances being compared to pyramid schemes. People have been robbed and misled by pyramid scheme people, that is why most are skeptical about the real MLM businesses. Pyramid schemes benefit those who are at the top. MLM businesses offer individuals opportunities to grow and make more money than the people who have sponsored them. In most cases, pyramid schemes do not have a tangible product or service that people who join will be able to see or sell it. Founders of pyramid schemes always hide their identities and their physical addresses. When pyramids collapse, those who are at the bottom end up losers. MLM businesses with proper compensation plans benefit everyone, those who are at the top and those who are at the bottom.


In MLM businesses an independent business owner can make his fortune by sponsoring people in his business and also by sharing (retailing) the benefits of the products / services. This business can be build with 5 or 6 serious, dedicated and commited people. This business involves a lot of Teaching, Sponsoring and Sharing. You sponsor people, teach them how to sponsor and help them to maintain their independent businesses, also encouraging them to use the products that they are retailing as it will be easy to share the benefits with the products.


Most people do not want to join MLM business opportunities because they think they will have to be door to door sales representatives. Years before door to door strategies have worked. Today, things are being done differently. Products are now being moved by SHARING the benefits with family members, relatives, friends and friends of friends. To illustrate this further, in most cases we often share the experiences (benefits) we had at a particular restaurant with people we know and we will even refer them. We do the marketing for the restaurant and yet we do not get paid. In Network Marketing we refer (share the benefits) and get paid all the way. Payments do not stop as long as we Sponsor, Teach and Share.


I used to sell a lot in a company that I am representing, now I share the benefits and the results are phenomenal. I am now sharing my experiences and I am telling you that, joining a Network Marketing does not mean you have to be a door to door salesperson. You can set your own targets and achieve them at your own time. The more you share the benefits of the products, some people will even see you as an expert of those products and will ask you how to join your business –  Sponsoring will happen automatically. People will ask you to join your business – See! No door to door sales.


I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Multi Level Marketing / Network Marketing industry. I am passionate about helping people to become better leaders and start working on their fortune part time while making a living full time.


To your success,


Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur


Skype: basi.tau

Why women are better in leadership?


The number #1 ADVERTISING and PRINTING Consultancy in Gauteng Province

Advertising, Branding and Printing

Local elections are in preparation in our beautiful country – South Afrika. Political parties are spending sleepless nights burning the midnight oil in preparation for these elections. Everyone  is preparing to be seen by community members as the best party to vote for. A party that will lead and manage the local municipality. Each party has selected and/or is busy with shuffling and reshuffling of their possible candidates to be voted for,


As in business, more women are now seen in senior positions in political positions. I hope we will have more women leaders during these 2011 local elections. Women, have proven to be best in leadership like their male counterparts. In politics, personally I think they will lead and manage effectively and efficiently if they are given a chance. Politics need bold and strong leaders who will be able to stand for the rights of the people, be it a woman or a man. As long as you possess the skills, and are also willing to learn further about leading people, then you can make it.

Politics and business are not for the faint hearted. Mostly people will say women are not better leaders. My experience in business exposed me to a different view about leadership. Those who succeed do not succeed because of their sex. Those who succeed in their leadership positions –  politics or business, succeed because they are:-

  1. Passionate about what they do
  2. Willing to learn from their team members
  3. Always developing their mind and communication skills further
  4. Always putting the needs of the end users and team members first
  5. Open minded
  6. They think ‘Big and Kick Ass’

We hope after the elections we will have a balanced leadership team in our local municipalities. We will have strong and bold leaders – Men & Women, who will stand the rights of the people first. We will have leader who will put our needs first. In my view leadership is not about sex. It is about leading. Having capabilities to lead and stand up for what you believe is right or will make you bring profits after providing solutions to problems being faced by end users.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Printing / Network Marketing industry. I am passionate about helping people to become better leaders.

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur


Skype: basi.tau

Leaders are visionaries

The number #1 ADVERTISING and PRINTING Consultancy in Gauteng Province

Advertising, Branding and Printing

Vision is the ability to see things before they happen. Smart leaders have this ability to see where their organisation will be in the future, and then they will share this vision with everyone who is involved in the organisation. The sharing of vision will enable everyone who is involved to be on par with where the company is heading.

The smart leader together with the team members will translate vision in action. The mission will then be formulated as to how will the company vision be achieved. Goals will be broken down into manageable subgoals and teams will be divided according to their speciality. This will ensures that the vision of the company be achieved smoothly and effectively.

In most cases smart leaders will say let us go and do it. Collectively they will work as a team towards attainment of the goals. In between attainment of these goals, the smart leader will always encourage and motivate team members not to loose focus on what they are doing. Those who are negative will be mixed with those who are positive and highly spirited so that they too can be encouraged. Smart team members will be groomed and developed to be business leaders so as they can be able to manage projects and other team members without the team director.

Business leadership is so tricky! It’s marvellous, but it is not what people think it is. It is no wonder that great business leadership is so rare’ Not many business owners have the ability to share the business vision with everyone involved. Some business owners have a fear that their team members will take over if they can have a clear vision of the organisation. They lack an understanding that no man will make a great leader who want to do it all himself, or to get all the credit.

The leader does not do all the leading, but rather develop, spread and intergrate the leadership of other people in the business.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Printing and Network Marketing industries. and I help people create wealth in this industry. Do you know people who need to start working on their fortune part time while making a living full time? If you do, please refer them to me.

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur

Skype: basi.tau

What makes a Leader a LEADER



‘The day people stop bringing you their problems, is the day you have stopped leading them’ Colin Powell. This is an interesting quote I found in one of the public speaking books at our library in Mogale City. It sparked a conversation with myself about leadership. I asked myself ‘What is it that makes a leader a leader?

Here are the few pointers I gathered regarding what makes a leader a leader. These can be applied in NETWORK MARKETING too

  • UP-LINES / Team Leaders work with and through people (Down-lines) and groups to  accomplish organizational goals.
  • Leadership is influencing human behaviour, regardless of the goal.
  • Leading through a positive example and one that is worth emulating is probably one of  the more tried-and-tested leadership styles.  Up-lines provide support to your team members
  • Establish A Clear Vision. The team leader and team members know the strategic focus of the organisation and how to articulate it clearly and simply to anyone.
  • Assist Your Down-lines / Team Members. As the leader, you need to help your Team Members see how their position relates to organisation’s strategic focus, and tell them how  important they are to the organisation.
  • Recognise Good Work. If you catch your employees doing something right,  praise them for it. Recognition goes a long way towards building a loyal workforce.
  • Communicate Widely And Regularly. Communicate with everyone in your organisation in a variety of ways on a regular basis, not just every now and then. For example, start holding weekly staff meetings, initiate individual conversations with your team, start a newsletter or blog.
  • Consult With Your Team. Create a sense of pride in your team by asking them for their opinions, when appropriate, about changes in the organisation. Even if you don’t always use their ideas, they’ll really appreciate just being asked.
  • Incentivise Employees. If you give bonuses for strong performance, give them a choice between cash or something more personal. If they choose the latter, know what your team members like to do in their time off with hobbies and interests. Then send your hiking hobbyist on a mountain trip for two in a beautiful cabin next to spectacular hiking trails. Or offer your shopaholic assistant a gift certificate to their favourite store. They’ll remember these gestures much longer than a standard bonus – although others will prefer the cash to pay off bills. All will think of you fondly when they do.
  • Respond Rather Than React. Here’s the last and perhaps most important tip: When it comes to your emotions, remember to respond to your team members rather  than react to them. For instance, if an employee comes to you and says the  numbers are off by R50 000 and you react by saying: “What? Are you crazy! How  could that be?” that employee will probably not want to share information with  you next time around. But if you respond by saying: “Help me to understand how you arrived at that number”, you’ll exhibit genuine concern and let your  employees know that you’re there to help.

Remember, becoming a great leader is a learning process that never ends. Great leaders enjoy the challenges and the lessons learned, even when they’re painful.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Printing and Network Marketing industry and I help people create wealth in this industry. If you know people who need to start working on their fortune part time while making a living full time, please refer them to me.

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur

Skype:  basi.tau

Not All Entrepreneurs Have Leadership Skills

It is a fact that not all business owners are capable of leading people. This is based on a friend of mine who used to work for an event management company in Johannesburg. She was the project manager reporting to the project director (Chief Executive Officer) of the company.

My friend was responsible for implementing event management project(s) from the project director. These projects were mainly community developmental project. She was told to apply her mind and use her discretion where possible, as long as her discretion will make projects run effectively and efficiently. In other words she was told be an ‘Intrapreneur

Baleseng Tau

Baleseng 'Basi' Tau

Projects continued for a period of eight and half months. During these months my friend was constantly being secretly monitored by the project director. She was not being aware she was being secretly monitored. Her computer, telephone and emails were intercepted. People that she had spoken to on the telephone were at random being called, with the intention of finding out why she had called them. Her team members were made to spy on her and report back to the project director.  Her movements in the office were also monitored.

I find this very contradictory. In the beginning the project manager was told to be an intrapreneur and run the projects semi-independently, with the consultation of the project director now and again.  Now, what I find contradictory is the setting of spies and interception on communication channels on someone who is making profits for you. Someone who actually run your company and its projects effectively and efficiently. Why did the project director make her a project manager if he did not trust her.  I am of the opinion that if you do not trust a person, She / He would have done something in the past that would spark your insecurity.

The project director was very paranoid and lacked trust in his team members, He never came office or at his projects unless if there is a progress meeting once a week. He lacked characteristics of an effective leader, that is working with your team and having faith in them. A leader will say lets go do it. A leader who does not trust his team, it means he does not trust himself. Gone are the days where companies were led by ‘Bosses’. Bosses who would just instruct and sit at the backseat. Leaders are part and parcel of the process and they delegate without making team members feel that they are being bullied.

Ultimately the state of paranoia of the project director went very high to such an extent that he intercepted Skype conversation. He found what he wanted to see and he dismissed the concerned parties without following proper dismissal procedures. In this case a true leader would have called the people and addressed them and issue warnings. Not every company owner has leadership skills. With proper training they can be acquired.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the Printing and Network marketing industry and I help people create wealth in this industry. If you know people who need to start working on their fortune part time while making a living full time, please refer them to me.

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau

Visionary Entrepreneur

Skype: basi.tau