Monthly Archives: January 2011

Fight For Inner Peace – Goal to be loved and to love your self

I have just been preoccupied lately by the concept of inner peace. Exactly what is inner peace and how can one achieve it?  I think the answer to this question would be relative and would differ according to different individuals. The difference would be based solely on a variety of our beliefs and faith(s). Can business owners and busy people in general achieve inner peace within themselves? I think the answer would be a big ‘YES’.

Baleseng 'Basi' Tau

Baleseng 'Basi' Tau

Spiritual and meditation gurus say everybody can achieve inner peace and happiness.

Irrespective of   your race and your status in a society. Inner peace is experienced when one has reached a state where he is no longer influenced by the material world, but controls the temptations caused by it. The person who is experiencing inner peace has managed to love himself / herself, others and be loved in return. This individual is not shy to share love with people anywhere and anytime. This person will be able to attract and surround himself with loving people. This person is able to smile and be happy with everyone. Those who do not love him, do not matter most as the problem lies within them and not with him.


I think business people can achieve inner peace if they can start giving the concept of self love and loving others a chance.  It is always a good feeling to be aware that you are being loved and also sharing that love with everyone.  If business people share their love with their team members (employees), suppliers and clients. In return they will get loving employees, suppliers and clients. It will be a better and a loving environment to work within. Business will continue to flow within the network.


Ultimately with time the business person might achieve inner peace from inner love. The fight for inner peace is what we should fight for instead of fighting for material gains. What is the point for having all the material world can offer, and yet you are forever angry?  It is not an easy thing to achieve as the world if full of negative people with negative vibes. It is not easy as the environment plays a pivotal role in our character. I have experienced that and I know that a negative environment breeds a grumpy person. Look around and within yourself and see why are you not experiencing inner peace.


I have started focusing on myself and I have accepted that you cannot change a person. I have made peace with the fact that some people, including those that I do business with, are always negative and there is nothing I can do about it. I have started to meditate and I meditate about happiness and love. I feel good after each meditation session.


I have started loving myself more. I do things that make me happy and I attend my needs first and needs of others after. I know with time I will be more loving and I will attract lovely people. Loving people with warm hearts, be it in business or socially.


It is possible and necessary that we spread our love and happiness with everyone. If it is done genuinely, people will see it in your face. You will also feel it within and gradually you will start to smile and you level of happiness with grow, Love yourself more and complain no more about yourself.


Everyday, Look in the mirror and tell the person you see that you love him / her much.


I am a Visionary Entrepreneur, Speaker and Trainer.. I am based in Johannesburg (South Afrika)


To Your Wonderful Success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau
Visionary Entrepreneur

Skype: basi.tau

Focus is my ‘Password’

My observation and research has revealed to me that successful leaders who master their craft(s)  are not different from me or you. The only difference between them and us, is this – ‘Focus’ is their password. Leaders who are more focused in their crafts tend to come out as successful. They do not bounce all over the places doing this and that. Those who bounce all over the place lack focus and in most cases leave project(s) unfinished.

I have been there, I bounced all over the places like a molecule without a bond. I did this and that in business. I lacked focus and I rendered so many services to different clients at a time. I never became a specialist in everything that I did. I have built houses, painted rooftops, sold houses,   artworks, picture frames, books, art materials, clothes, typed assignments for university students, repaired bicycles and the list goes on and on. I am not a master of all of them and sad part is that I never came out as a winner, but as a tired soul. Had I selected one or two of the services that I am mentioning above, I would be a specialist and I would be a leader in my craft.

Leaders are focused and disciplined. They do not change or move away from project until they complete it. They get a particular fulfilment when a project is done and handed over to a client. In most cases focused leaders are remembered by their crafts and how they have mastered it. Looking at Donald Trump – the property billionaire and/or Bill Gates – IT billionaire, these two well known leaders are very successful. They are not only successful leaders they have mastered their crafts and they were focused and disciplined when they started, and they are still focused in what they know best. What they do not know they leave to those who know it.

Do one thing and do not bounce all over the places. Be laser focused on your craft and with time your time will focus on you. You will become a specialist and will be branded as a master in your industry. Continuous professional development is another key factor that makes focused leaders successful. It is important to be updated with what is happening in your chosen field. Reading books and researching your field on the internet will put you five steps ahead of your competitors. An informed leader is always better than his competitors and is able to provide solutions to problems brought by clients quicker. J. Paul Getty mentioned in his book that if a person can read five or more books in one subject, that individual will become an expert in his field in a short space of time.

Since I have made focus my password I know that with time I will be the best in Inspirational Speaking and Network Marketing, as I am an Independent Business Owner for AMWAY. I have made sure that I associate myself with public speakers from Soweto Positive Speakers Toastmasters International and also various Network Marketing Champs. You will never see me again doing this and that, I am focused and level of discipline has grown higher.  I have found public speaking and network marketing mentors. I have now surrounded myself with leaders who have made it in the fields that I am in.

I am a visionary entrepreneur within the network marketing industry and I help people create wealth in this industry. I am based in Johannesburg (South Afrika)

To your success,

Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau
Visionary Entrepreneur

Skype: basi.tau

Go for your dream and think ‘BIG’

Happy New Year friends! And I am wishing you a wonderful year to come. Let it shine on all of you. I have a great feeling this is going to be a prosperous 2011, after an exciting 2010. This is the time of the year where most of the people will be making resolutions; some will repeat what they have said at the beginning of 2010.

My resolution for 2011 is: “To maintain focus on achieving my dreams”. My dreams are still the same, nothing has changed, except that I need to maintain constant focus on achieving my dreams. I am a big dreamer. I dream big dreams – dreams that are intimidating. I have worked out a plan of achieving them. I have listed my dreams according to their order of priority.

In the exciting 2010 that has passed, I have achieved some of my dreams and I am excited about that. All I need from now on is to be laser focused on my dreams. I am focused on them as they make me happy and achieving them gives me a fulfilling feeling internally.

I am encouraging you to write your dreams and try to work out a plan of action. In your action plan you will be specific as to how are you going to achieve your dreams. Include people who might help you in reaching your dream(s). Some people will try to discourage you from going for your dream(s), ignore them because you can’t make someone’s opinion a reality in your life. Best thing to do is just maintain the focus because you know how you will feel when you have achieved your dream. Go for it! Go for your dreams.

Successful businesses we see today were also a dream in someone’s mind. With passion and focus, you too can achieve your dreams. Be a visionary see your dream happening, imagine it being real and lastly be excited about your dream.

Dream about your dream everyday, find cues that will help you to keep thinking about your dream – for instance, have pictures or other items that will remind you of your dreams. Have these cues where you can see them when you go to bed, wake up, when you eat lunch. These cues will trigger that inner reminder that will make you to implement your plan of action. Do something everyday to achieve your dreams.

It is possible, Go! For your dreams. I am implementing my action plan and I have broken it into smaller plans that I can be able to achieve daily.


To your success,


Baleseng ‘Basi’ Tau


For Tau and Associates

Bulk Copying & Printing Services


Ph: +2773 232 6865

Skype: basi.tau

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