Tag Archives: selling

Communication can make or break a potential deal

Communication in business is very crucial as much as our products/services are important to our clients.

It is not only what you know that sells your products, but also how you sell it to your targeted clients. Try to avoid your industry jargon or technical terms thinking you are impressing your prospects. My recommendation is to speak in a way that a client will understand and will be able to make a decision without feeling guilty after you leave.

I am raising this as I was recently called by some stockbroker who wanted me to buy shares at Stock Exchange via his company, that was not a problem, the problem was the way he spoke with me. He spoke with me as if he is speaking to another stockbroker who understood the stock exchange language. He said the market is bullish since the bear is sleeping and some things are illiquid. I did not understand anything since my background is in ART and Public Speaking, so he lost a potential client as he went on an on with his language. Had he enquired and extracted information from me about what I understand about shares and investing, maybe we could have talked more.

It is important to have a basic background about your potential clients. This will help you to prepare a solid presentation based on their backgrounds. Even if you are selling some technical rocket science gadget to someone who hasn’t been to school nor understand anything about science, if you tailor-made the sale in his/her understanding you will increase your chances of closing a deal.

As entrepreneurs we exist in business to solve our client’s problems with our services and/or products, and not to confuse them about the industry jargon. Let us all be aware of how are we making presentations to our potential clients. Heavy hitters in sales industry know this and continue to dominate.

To our success,